Developer information

This section contains some information snippets for developers. Will be extended in the future.

Reading output formats

While TomoTwin writes files with various extensions (.temb, .tmap, .tloc, .tumap), they are basically all pickled pandas dataframes. They can all be read by:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_pickle("path/to/a/tomotwin/output/file")

In case you modify it, please also check the df.attrs dictionary (and copy it if necessary) of the dataframe. It contains important meta information that is used by TomoTwin.

Implementing new architectures

Adding new CNN architectures is straightforward in TomoTwin.

  1. Add a class for your network in modules/networks/ and implement the interface defined by modules/networks/

  2. Add your new network to the network_identifier_map dictionary in the modules/networks/ module.

  3. Create a network configuration file like in resources/configs/config_siamese.json. The network_config entry should match the __init__ method of your new network.

Now you are in principle set to train your network (see How to train TomoTwin).

How to train TomoTwin

Here we describe how to train the SiameseNet (bad name, as it is actually a tripletnetwork). Hardwarewise, 12GB of GPU memory should be enough.

1. Download training and validation data

Training and validation set can be found here:

Download and untar training and validation data.

2. Download siamese network config

You find the configuration file here:

3. Start the training

To run it on one GPU for 300 epochs do:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 -v path/train/volumes/ --validvolumes path/valid/volumes/ -o out_train -nc path/to/siamese_network.json --epochs 300

How to evaluate TomoTwin

Will follow soon :-)